Racing towards net zero
07 June 2022You’ve got to be agile to win the race, knowing when to turn and when to put your foot down. That’s why we’re taking an agile approach to reaching our target, through all kinds of innovations and initiatives, including:
Switching to 100% renewable energy and electric vehicle charging
Throughout 2022 we installed 2764 solar power modules onto the roof of The Wing covering over 4,329 m2, which generates around 13% of the venue’s power. The rest of our energy is purchased from a supplier and is 100% renewable. We have also recently installed 24 EV charging points, so you can see how our movement to greener energy is taking off.
Using low and zero carbon liquid fuels and gases for our facilities and vehicles
We use low and zero carbon liquid fuels and gases for our facilities and vehicles. We have also switched all our temporary generators and the energy centre at The Wing to run on HVO biofuel. This low carbon fuel source reduces the related Co2 emissions by 90%.